Monday 22 March 2010

Narrative Questions - Rock 'n' Rolla

1. Who is the hero, and who is the villain? How do you know?
At the beginning of the film we see a solitary figure in a dark room with a monologue ensuing in the background. We presume that the figure in the room is the one saying the monologue. We do not know within the opening scenes whether or not this person is a villain or hero, however, we see scenes of sex, drug and alcohol abuse so we can maybe believe he is the villain.
2. Where's the story set? What does it say about the genre?
The beginning is set in a dark room with the character alone. This shows the darkness of the genre and it shows the nature in which many of the people in the film live in. The main characters are undoubtedly unlawful, therefore they try to stay hidden and not be noticed, explaining the dark room.
3. How many principle characters are there?
There is lone principle character who we see in the dark room alone lighting a bung to smoke.
4. How is the story told? Chronologically? What is the effect?
The monologue tells us alot of what the film is about. We are told about the life the character leads and what it entails. This tells us what the film may be about, however, because we do not see the actor and because there is very little action we are still left with questions.
5. What questions are you left with?
We are left with question of who the man in the dark room is and whether he is actually the main character of the film. We also wonder about what could be in the bung and how hardcore the character may be.

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